Curses Real or Fake? They are both.

It makes my blood boil when I hear of scam-artist charlatans who pose as psychics offering to “remove curses”, often for a fair ransom amount of money.  No one needs the services of curse removals, no matter what anyone tells you.

I don’t want to give the impression that I am disrespecting the voodoo root workers who take seriously “doing work” on people, as it’s called.  Rituals and spells with their visible, tangible aspects CAN empower people to drive home their magical intent, but a word of warning no spell or ritual can take away another’s free will, so if you think casting a ritual or spell will bring a love lost back I would hate to tell you unless that person is willing to come back it will have not effect.  Those who dabble in black magic against another person, be warned that power can only have any effect if the person who they are casting this despicable art that they need to believe in the curse’s power.

Over the years I am aware of those practicing in dark arts magic that they have tried to cast curses on myself, and others around me.  People have offered their suggestions as to which talisman to hang, what potions to sprinkle and their recommended incantations to perform to protest myself and my home.  All I can say talk about bad karma, I send every attempt of the dark side back to the sender with love. Because I will not give anyone the power to interfere with my path or those around me.

The secret is to trust in the Creator/Universe/Source Energy / God / that is the only way to trust you are safe and in no harm, and no harm could come near you.  Good old-fashioned prayers, are way more powerful than a voodoo doll, broken mirror, jars of potions or black candles.  I also try to remain empathetic and do ask the Universe to send those who wish to do harm that they are shown clarity and wisdom while they sleep (spirit can give us messages easier while we sleep) that they were misguided in trying to harm.

The key to success battling someone’s negative intent is simply mind over matter.  if you fear that a curse can harm you, it will.  You are manifesting the curse in your life.  If you believe that YOU, with the help of the Divine, are immune to black magic because you have protection, then you are.  Power belongs to the person whose will is stronger.

Know that you are safe.  Know you have divine love protecting you.  Surround yourself in the white light of God.  Call on your ancestors and guides.  Ask whoever /whatever makes you feel safe to always protect you.  And don’t give in to worrying.

There, the curse is broken…

Posted in Curses
Keywords: curses, curse, person, power, black, magic, makes, matter, anyone, voodoo

2021 Predictions the Year Ahead – I would like to share with you some insights of was spirit has shown me for 2021:

Medical Advances

2021 will be the year when major breakthroughs in oncology will occur, in this year most modern cancers people get will have a lower mortality rate due to advancement in medicines and therapies.  This goes hand in hand with the fact that the last Saturn/Jupiter conjunction was in the sign of Aquarius, also known as the Professor of the Zodiac.

Technology will advance

When you thought technology couldn’t advance any further, I see that in 2021 especially around the environment researchers, governments will back new technology to combat climate change this will put a stop to the deterioration of the planet, and start the healing process.

Death in the Royal Family

I saw in 2021 the Queens husband will take ill and not recover, the death will be fast and the world will be in mourning.  The queen herself will pass not long after the Princes death but I didn’t feel it would be in 2021.

UPDATE: On Friday 9th April 2021 Prince Philip passed away at the Age of 99, 2 months short of his 100th Birthday.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump is deep in the swamp,  but the good news is that in 2021 he will become less relevant as he focuses on keeping himself out of jail. I did see Melania making a break for freedom away form a man who has become so unhinged that no one can stand to be near him.

UPDATE: On the 6th January 2021 Donald Trump incited actions of a domestic terrorist group known as MAGA to storm the capitol building to overthrow the democratic process of counting and certifying the electoral college votes.  Donald has become so unhinged as predicted back on the 24th December 2020 that he is still peddling lies about the election which over 60 court cases found no widespread fraud, it should be noted that fraud that has been found was small and was in favour of Donald Trump not Joe Biden.


In 2021 the People in the UK finally realise that the government had lied to them about leaving the EU, the UK is thrown into a state of disarray this will bring mass protests and violence on the streets of London.

UPDATE: As of today British people are finally revolting against Brexit and how leaving the EU was not the best thing to do for the country.  We will continue to watch the advances as events progress.

Once in a lifetime Events do happen.  At 10.33pm (AEDST) on the 21st December 2020  look to the sky and you will notice what appears to be a bright star in the sky, often this is called the Christmas star, but this year it is a very special one, it is the first time in more than 800 years that Jupiter and Saturn have been this close, along with it being in the sign of Aquarius.   This is known as the Great conjunction, this does occur every 20 years but never this close.  It is a time when the planet of structure and restriction, Saturn, meets the planet of growth, expansion and miracles, Jupiter.  This marks a social shift throughout the world and will see leading into 2021.  It’s really going to be a new day – a new era.
The Great Conjunction happens on the solstice – which in itself is a powerful time of year.  Solstice and Equinox points mark the change of seasons, but they’re also when the Sun enters a cardinal sign.  This means a time of action and taking steps forward to initiate change.

Added to this for the past two hundred years, Jupiter and Saturn conjunctions   have occurred in earth signs.  2020 marks the beginning of the next two hundred year cycle.  This time, Jupiter and Saturn will conjoin in an air signs and start a cycle that lasts until 2159.  This year, they pave the way for Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in 2023/2024.

When Jupiter and Saturn come together, there is a restructuring of our legal institutions, judicial systems, we will see new leadership rising into power.  We stand a the bridge between our history and what’s possible for the future.

Together, Jupiter and Saturn combine expansion and opportunity with the structure and discipline needed to make real and last changes in our collective beliefs, ideals, and philosophies.  Not to mention the societal structures that promote and uphold those ideals.  We can manifest  the future we envision as well as clear what no longer serves us.

So what does all this mean for the upcoming conjunction in December?

Saturn and Jupiter will come together in Aquarius, the humanitarian sign of connection, community, and organised groups.  It’s also the sign of technology, invention, and innovation.  How can you use your unique gifts to contribute to the whole?

With the Renaissance as an example, new technology arrived in Europe in all sectors that enabled people to have more leisure time to pursue knowledge and culture.  We saw breakthroughs in education, the arts, technology, science – in all aspects of life.  It was also the time of the Humanistic movement, that brought religion from being above the people to the people, and allowed for the rebirth of Western science, and laid the framework for the philosophy that would be used in the age of Enlightenment and beyond.

Hopefully, with this year’s Great Conjunction, we’ll realise ways to create more inclusive and just societal structure.

So, we could see innovations in technology.  We’ve already seen a massive jump in communication technology as a result of COVID-19.  We see themes that played out in the 90s was last in Aquarius.  At that time, we saw email becoming accessible and the internet becoming more widely available in our homes.  We saw the start of Prodigy, AOL, Microsoft MSN and CompuServe.  Chat rooms and online forums connected people from all over the globe.  Now, we see Zoom connecting businesses and individuals in our everyday lives.

This conjunction will also be forming a challenging square aspect with Uranus in Taurus that will be a big theme in 2021.  We’ll see more and more crumbling of old governmental, religious, economic, and corporate systems that we’ve outgrown.  We’ll also be more forward-thinking when it comes to climate, environmental concerns, and our communities.  As these planets enter into Aquarius, they encourage us to see ourselves as one humanity.  This is where we’re moving, but it will take some time to arrive at that destination.

If you would like to know how this transit will affect you in 2021 why not speak to one of our psychics who can give you insight of 2021.

Posted in Aquarius, Jupiter, Planetary, Saturn
Keywords: jupiter, saturn, aquarius, conjunction, technology, years, great, structure, together, december

A Solar Eclipse Transformation, what can I say 2020 has been one of those years that will go down in history.  As 2020 is wrapping up we have two major astrological events remaining these events are not to be fearful of, we have had enough fear with a pandemic, civil unrest, a president who refuses to acknowledge he lost the election, on and on it goes.

The first event will be a Solar Eclipse on which will not be seen in the Southern Hemisphere begins on the 14th December 2020 at 11:33pm, and of course the Summer (Southern Hemisphere) or Winter (Northern Hemisphere) Solstice on December 21st.  Each event brings its own focus and special energies, but they come together to create a unique push to usher in the new year.

What does the upcoming Solar Eclipse have to offer?

The Solar Eclipse gives us a tap on the shoulder to review what path we are on, and make grounded decisions that will greatly influence our journey forward.  You may be re-evaluating your love life, career, money whatever aspect of your life you are making decisions, this event will assist you in the transformational and manifestation of what you need to move forward.  It would also be a good time to do some deep meditation.  If you have any lingering concerns about 2021 – please use this event to calm your concerns and map out what you want in your life.

This Years Summer/Winter Solstice what to expect?

The Summer Solstice (Southern Hemisphere) is officially the First day of Summer astrologically, it is the day with the longest daylight hours.  Unlike the Winter Solstice (Northern Hemisphere) where it is the First day of Winter astrologically, and the shortest day of daylight hours.

Solstice is a magical event and honoured for eons by Druids, Pagans and other spiritual groups.  It is the time to prepare for a new season, when in Summer it is time to manifest and grow your hearts desire through the period of growth, you have just come out of Winter solstice where you have been planning what you want to manifest, in Summer it is now time to manifest what you were planning to move forward.

2021 is going to be an exciting new year, the pandemic hitting the world will be under control and we can get some normality back to our lives, it may not be the same normality we had at the end of 2019 but a more enriching and mindful life going forward.  If you are struggling with your direction why not have a reading with one of our professional psychics they can help you see through the fog and assist you on the right path.

2021 Creating an Effective Vision Board – Vision boards are an excellent tool to manifest what you want and don’t want in your life.  A vision board can be made from any materials that you are drawn to.  Here are my inspiring ideas to create a vision board for the 2021 year. As such I follow the basic methods to ensure the vision board works effectively for the year ahead.

Setting Intention

It is extremely important that we set clear intentions about what we want our vision board to manifest in the next 12 months.  You should choose items, patterns that help you create the concept you want to actualise in your life.  Before beginning take time and think about what you really want before trying to manifest it on your vision board.

What materials to use?

When making a vision board people generally think of cutting pictures out of magazines and pasting these to their boards.   But for this year why don’t we all get a bit more creative and think about using more organic and environmentally friendly.  Consider waiving each item over a candle to cleanse and raise the vibration before adding it to your vision board.  This will supercharge your vision board.

Do a spiritual cleanse beforehand

Before putting your vision board together, do a cleansing, and align your chakras, you should also spend some time in nature to help ground yourself.  It will assist having a clear mind and releasing of any negative energy.

Add affirmations

It is a great idea along with pictures to add affirmations to your vision board, you should think about creating affirmations specifically for the vision board.  Figure out the best way to incorporate these into your vision for the next 12 months.

Use different modalities

Don’t be scared to think outside the square and use modalities like Numerology, Astrology, Crystals, etc.  See what insight you can align yourself we using these types of modalities to ensure even more success for your vision board.  Use crystals such as clear quartz to help increase the vibration of the vision board as you are creating it.

Add some magic with essential oils

Consider adding a drop or two of your most loved and inspired essential oil.  You can add it to your glue mixture or sprinkle it around the vision board.  Consider essential oils that have high manifestation rates.  Some oils you may want to consider are:

  • Ginger – The oil of empowerment!  This beauty is about taking responsibility for your own life, and seeing yourself as the creator you are.
  • Passion (Inspiring Blend) – A blend of Cardamom Seed, Cinnamon Bark, Ginger Rhizome, Clove  Rhizome, Clove Bud, Sandalwood Wood, Jasmine Flower, Vanilla Bean, Damiana Leaf.  Passion helps you to reignite your inner spark, face your fears and break free from limitations.
  • Wild Orange – This is a uplifting oil, it’s also the oil of abundance.  It’s a great one to diffuse when turning into your vision as it helps you to connect to the expansiveness of the universe and feel into potential.
  • Citrus oils – Oils from citrus plants are incredible uplifting and motivating.  Using Wild Orange, Lemongrass or Lime to create a high vibrational environment.
  • Peppermint – Peppermint is another favourite because it is so invigorating to the mind, body and spirit.  If you are feeling deflated, or in need of an energetic boost drop peppermint onto your vision board.

Use Tarot Cards

Selecting specific Tarot Cards for guidance or integrating aspects of their design into your vision board.  Need help with doing this speak to one of our tarot card readers who can advise on how to use Tarot for your vision board.

Communicate with your higher self

In meditation speak with your higher self.  Ask for guidance and see what symbols and imagery come into your focus, incorporate this into your vision board.

Ask Psychics

There are many professional psychics on our system who can assist you in creating your vision board.   Look for a psychic that is free to help you that also specialises in coaching.  They may even be able to give you insights and possible timelines to assist with your manifestation.

Find a place in your home or office that honours your intention

Use Feng Shui to find the best location for your vision board.  Make sure it is in a place of honour with good lighting and where you can see it and interact with it on a daily basis.  Vision boards are fluid and requires attention each and every day if you want to manifest what you desire.

View your board daily

Ensure you view your board on a daily basis, often when we create a vision board we don’t always understand why we are pasting something on it then one day when you view you notice some detail in what you are looking at that explains the path forward to manifestation.

Create a daily ritual

Come up with a daily ritual you will do to which is inspired by your vision board.  It can be as simple as reading the affirmations out like that you included on your vision board, or doing a guided meditation that you have created just for the board.  This ritual will help maintain the vibration and help to rise it.

Have nature near your vision board

Place pot plants near your vision board, these will assist with the nurturing and healing.  Watch how your plant grows along with the actualisation of your manifestation.  This nurturing motion will keep your ideas alive, and the momentum is flourishing.

Vision board needs flexibility

Use glue that allows you to move around items on your vision board.  Consider using a corkboard so you can tack and untack elements as you see fit and as your manifest evolves.  Being flexible with your vision will allow you to receive.

Keep a journal

Keep a journal nearby to collect your thoughts throughout the manifestation process.  Use this as both an exercise to release any doubts or negativity and to see where things are arising and how you are feeling about the changes.    Read psychic and spiritual development books to help you process what you are experiencing as you manifest.

Celebrate all of your victories

Ensure you take time to celebrate every little thing that helps you get closer to actualising your vision into reality.  Every act of celebration sends good vibes out in the Universe as appreciation and joy.  This act also reminds you of the progress you are making.

Ask, believe and receive every day

You need to make this part of your daily ritual, but those three reads repeated and focused on your vision board will help you manifest.  In times of trouble, also repeat those words and ask for guidance from your Spirit, and Angel Guides for clarity and support.

Daily Goals

You should set more achievable and measurable daily goals for your vision board, this will help keep you on your path to abundance.  Your goal could be one little thing you do every day that helps you manifest.  Remember that manifesting isn’t just about asking.  It’s about putting the work in as well.

Practice gratitude

Ensure daily you get yourself in tune with the vibration of gratitude and be grateful for all that you have in your life.  A wave of gratitude will help you manifest your vision board.  Make sure you are behaving in a way that exhibits feelings of sincerity and appreciation toward others as well as yourself.

Let go of expectations

What we may want may not be manifested in exactly the same way as we have on our vision board,  by being flexible with your expectations will assist you in seeing your vision unfold and actualise.  When we set expectations that are not flexible we may reject what is actually right for us.  Be open.  You may get more than what you expect if you are open-minded.

When all is said and done, it is extremely important that you use your intuition to select the best way to create your vision board. After all, it is your manifestation you are trying to actualise, and you will instinctively know what is best for you.

Many people believe that a psychic needs to be in the same room with a person to give them a reading.  This is a myth, a professional psychic can tune into an individual’s energy without being face-to-face.  There are so many positives associated with receiving a reading by phone.  In this article we are going to focus on a few of them.

So, if you are on the fence about receiving a psychic reading over the phone, you are going to want to stay right here.  Various advantages will be discussed in the points below.  Perhaps, one of them could be what gives you that little extra confidence to make the call today.

No need to visit a psychic’s place of business

Many people have concerns about clairvoyants being a sham, and unfortunately in every industry you will find charlatans and scammers.  We handpick all our psychics for their ability to read, we do not just accept anyone off the street and put them on the phones.  Many people also are hesitant to visit psychics who have an office they have heard that these psychics can read their faces/body language and direct the reading towards how the client reacts, in the industry this is called cold reading.  Phone readings eliminate such worries from the equation.  How? You may ask, well, the psychic must tune into the clients voice, vibrations, and energy without seeing them in-person.

Phone Psychic readers delivering readings by this method, have to trust the information they are receiving from the universe whether it be through guides, tarot cards, angel cards or what even tools they use in their readings.  The information they relay to the customer is based on trust that they are connecting and getting the information for the customer.  There is no magical science just faith and belief they are connected to source.

Besides all of the above, many people have fears, anxieties, and phobias.  Therefore, for them, going to see a psychic who would in most cases be a stranger can stop them all together from seeking guidance form a Psychic.  The adventure could cause triggers and the customer may feel very awkward and uncomfortable.  A Phone Psychic reading by phone allows anyone and everyone to get a service that they deserve without any stress.

No Geographical Boundaries, Get a reading wherever you may be.

Sometimes people who may live in remote places can’t locate a psychic nearly.  And those really keen may have to travel many hours to reach a town with a clairvoyant.  This can take up a great deal of time.

We also have city people who are time poor, they don’t have time to go and seek out a clairvoyant,  make an appointment and then attend.  This is where a Phone psychic reading erases such issues from the picture.  Phone readings ensure a person can get guidance that they seek, regardless of where they live.  Best of all Phone psychics generally run 24/7 operations so you can call any time day or night.

Phone readings are convenient for people who have a busy life

We live in a world where many of us are time poor.  We seem to be always rushing from here to there just to make it in this rat-race we now call life.  Not to mention, many individuals work in excess of 40 hours a work each week, every week.  With so much going on in our lives, a lot of customer simply do not have time to pay a psychic a visit.  This is where having a phone psychic reading comes in handy.  In a matter of mere minutes, customers can obtain information about relationships, career, love, life direction even past lives, and more.  They don’t have to waste precious time out of the day going to visit a psychic in-person.  As such, the convenience of a phone reading offers is the biggest benefit.

Customer’s Confidentiality

Some people do not want to be caught visiting a face to face psychic because they don’t want others around them finding out that they are receiving guidance from a psychic.  This could be friends, family members, spouse or even work colleagues.  With a phone reading you don’t even have to give your name and the Psychic doesn’t even know your phone number you are connected blindly to the psychic to protect your identity, they won’t know where you live.

So if you are ready for a phone psychic reading today call 1300 732 337 or if you are in NZ or Singapore just visit our website and view local numbers in your area.  No need to book we have psychics available 24/7 what do you have to lose?

Saturn Retrograde what does it mean? If you are a Taurus, Leo or Scorpion you may have found some life curveballs being thrown at you one after the other since May 2020.  There is respite to those who have been greatly affected by Saturn the planet of responsibility, time and restrictions will be going direct around the 29th September 2020.

Saturn has the tendency to force boundaries on us and show us tough love in order to teach us important life lessons, not all these lessons are enjoyable or easy.  Whenever Saturn goes into retrograde, all zodiac signs should be prepared to reevaluate their personal boundaries, relationship to authority figures, and most of all, their responsibilities.

However, this year three signs would have felt the impact more than others, if you are Virgo, Leo or Scorpio how was was the roller coaster ride you have been on for the last few months.


Anyone born within the Taurus star sign may have found themselves fine-tuning their philosophical and spiritual outlook on life, and maybe you have finally come to terms and accepted with confidence what you believe is is correct for you, this generally is a fun and exciting personal exploration.


For all you born under the Leo star sign, this retrograde would have showed you that you need to find balance if you life.  Leo’s in general are the busy bee and they are always overcommitting themselves, this retrograde should have taught you to slow down and manage your day-to-day routine.  It also showed Leo’s the importance of growth within relationships.  The time is now for you to step back and reevaluate what is working in your life and what is not.


The most fixed of all signs in the zodiac, the unmovable one.  For Scorpions this retrograde would have been quite a challenging one around communication, and how to change your communication style.  Once you go through this cosmic upgrade you will find future interactions with people will become much more effective and rewarding for all.

If you would like a reading why not call one of our professional psychics on 1300 376 383 and let them help you discover if you are on your right path.

How often have you been told patience is a virtue?  It gets rather annoying when your anxiety levels are going through the roof, and you turn to a psychic for the answers who tells you that what you are looking for will happen but you have to wait! Aghhh!  This is not the psychics fault it is just the laws of the universe and what lessons we have to complete before we can move onto what we really want in life.

Each and everyone of us work on our own rhythm, tempo and timing.  When we move along smoothly in the tempo, we feel that everything is right within our world.  Other times, we rail against the flow, wondering why things don’t happen as quickly as we’d like them to.  If we are fortunate, there is some things we many do to speed up the process, but in most cases we need to wait.  This may be on a lost love level where we need time to for our hearts to heal, or we may be looking for that next great job opportunity but we have to wait for that job to have a position available, or maybe you are sick of living like a church mouse and want money in your life to give you some kind of stability.  Out of all this we have to learn the lesson of patience, and be strong knowing that it will manifest we just need to wait.

For example, a pregnancy cannot be rushed, we need to wait for the the child to want to be born, we cannot hurry up this process, we must let things develop in their own time.  As much as many new parents want to meet the new soul coming into their lives, they must give it time to grow and to become what it is meant to be.  As much as many want to speed that process along, there’s really is not much that can actually be done except to be patient and wait for that wonderful day when the baby decides it’s time to enter the big wide world.

It’s not always an easy thing, waiting.  Often we start to think that life is one big waiting game.  Whether you are waiting to fall in love, find that right job, or to live that perfect life.  But if you’re spending your time waiting, rather than doing, feeling and living, then it’s guaranteed you are missing out on so many beautiful moments.  You could be missing out of moments with close friends, family and pets, moments that you will never get to re-live, even after that “someday” finally does arrive.

Yes, you may be happier when you imagine that future relationship, that exciting job created just for you, or that beautiful worry free life.  Maybe you will.  But it’s guaranteed you will be much happier in the future if you are taking care of what’s happening around you at the present time.  Living in the Now.  Then in the future you can look back and say “I did it right.”  If you are loving yourself with all your heart, and giving what you can but taking care of yourself as well, you will be happier, and grounded no matter what the future brings.

We can and often do spend so much time dreaming and planning for the future that often we lose sight of what is right in front of us right now.  So, just for a moment, open your eyes.  What do you see?  Is it perfect?  Is it everything you dreamed?  No? Not even close?  But does it have its own beauty and light?  Of course it does.  Spirit is everywhere and in everything.

Just remember, sometimes when we ask for something, the answer isn’t no, it’s “just wait.”

Our psychics can help you in navigating through this time, and help assist you with grounding and giving you insight and advice of how to navigate to get where you want to be, in the shortest possible time.  Why not have a reading with us today!

Posted in Patience, Self Help
Keywords: right, future, often, waiting, everything, things, process, living, moments, happier

If you’re that person that is the centre of attention and everyone gravitates to when they need some support, whether to talk stuff out or just for a hug, well, it’s probably because you’re a Cancerian.

Sure, your Sun sign doesn’t completely spell out your astrological personality, but it does have a lot to do with the way you think and act, along with other important elements like your natal and progressed charts, your Moon sign, and your Saturn return.

But right now it’s Cancer season (from June 21 through July 22, 2020), which means the personality traits most strongly associated with your sign will shine extra bright over the next month. (And regardless of Cancer signs getting the bad reputation of being crabby, this is rarely the case?)

You probably have a solid idea of what it means to be a Cancer from living your life, but there’s some pretty crucial info you might have missed about what exactly it means to identify with your sign. These are the five major traits all Cancers have in common and should know about themselves, plus how they can impact your life.

1. All Cancerian’s have that motherly instinct, regardless of sex, the great nurturer of the zodiac.

Cancerians are the happiest when they have something—or someone—to care for, whether it’s a puppy, person, or plant (hey, succulents need love, too!). In relationships, you’re the one who is always doling out back rubs after a long day or answering late-night emotional support texts. You don’t necessarily get back all of the awesomeness that you give but, in general, you’re okay with that. See? Not crabby at all.

2. All Cancerian’s hide their feelings, and are not always upfront on expressing them.

Despite the fact that Cancerian’s dole out comfort to people like it’s candy, it can take a little time to squeeze out how they really, truly feel about someone. Why? They’re scared of getting hurt—and fair. Crabs have a hard shell, after all, they’ve gotta get comfortable before they come out of it.

3. All Cancerians are sensitive, words and actions do hurt deeply.

Cancerian’s have an amazing ability to understand the emotional needs of people, whether they’re in their inner circle or not. And, with that, they can respond quickly if they feel like someone needs a mental boost. On the flipside, that also means they’re totally prone to bawling whenever they catch an RSPCA commercial on TV. They just have a lot of feelings, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

4. All Cancerians like to collect stuff, like Magpies.

Whether it’s their collection of Pink concert t-shrits or your lifelong goal to get every single nail polish color ever made, this is definitely a Cancer thing. Cancerian’s  don’t necessarily care how much this stuff is worth—they just really, really like pulling things together, when I think of Cancerian the first thing that comes into my mind is a Magpie.

5. All Cancerian’s are a little reserved.

Cancerians are not shy, per se, but they definitely don’t feel the need to be dancing on tables at 2 a.m., or anything (no judgment to your Gemini friend who does, of course!).  While you’re cool with a big social network, Cancerians tend to really focus on the smaller crew they know and can trust.

Posted in Cancer, Zodiac Signs
Keywords: cancerians, youre, whether, cancer, means, really, stuff, theyre, person, support

Batten Down the Hatches, what a weekend we are in for!

On the 21st June is Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, whilst in the Northern Hemisphere it is Summer Solstice.  Added to this we are in the middle of the ‘eclipse season‘ with the next scheduled solar eclipse to happen on the 21st June .  Globally, we have a pandemic, we have protests about human rights and racism, governments are being held accountable for their actions, and on a more personal level many people are discovering layers of their past being peeled off like an onion, it is all about transformation and you have two choices go with the flow, and deal with what comes at you, or resist and put yourself through turmoil and pain.  The choice is yours!

So astrologically what is in store this weekend, we have a New Moon, a Solar Eclipse (known as the ring of fire), five planets are in retrograde.  You may find yourself living in the past, especially where you have unresolved issues with past relationships, or things that are left unresolved within your current relationship.  So if you are visiting the past right now, you’re in the right flow for this energy.  The good news is that the Universal energy doesn’t want you trapped there, and is offering you a way to resolve these issues and move around from the self imposed limiting patterns and behaviours you have placed yourself in, it is time to embrace the New, empowered path ahead.

With Mars (energy, uprising, war), conjunction Neptune (breaking through all illusions) which is making an uncomfortable square to the Solar Eclipse, new revelations about the Story of Earth will be ignited.  Whilst this aspect may deeply inspire and uplift the actions you take in Earth’s evolution that is well under way, it also may bring confusion to many – as a sense of feeling lost in ‘too many stories, who do I believe, no longer knowing what/what is right/wrong.

And therein lies the magic.  When in your life have you given away your power? Given away your intuitive insight? Given away your energy in order to conform to a story that in fact you were never comfortable with?  This insightful New Moon will help you reclaim ownership of your life.  You need to focus your energy from fighting a war (Mars), to a solidarity and purposeful vision that serves a cause much greater than yourself.  United.  Rising.  Together.

In Summary

This year is certainly a pivotal moment in our Earthly Story.  A HUGE shift is happening as we transition into the 3rd decade of this century.  Change is happening, and it is happening fast.  We are entering into a NEW ERA of life here on Earth.  This current Eclipse window is drawing and cleansing us into the Home of our Hearts.  To see within us a grander story of what is possible when we envision and choose to work toward a new story that reveres ALL life on Earth (not just the select elite) and is built upon foundations of individual sovereignty.