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Soul 2 Path
This is a good exercise to use when you want to discover what is really going on behind the scenes of your negative experiences. There is something positive beyond them – you just need to discover what it is. You see, your higher self sees beyond times and current circumstances. It knows your “true intentions”, even if you are unaware of them consciously, and it will do everything in its power to match you vibrationally to that thing you are “truly” wanting. For instance. If your higher intention is safety and security and something comes up that will jeopardise that safety and security (even if you are unaware that it will jeopardise it at the time) it is not at all surprising that obstacles will suddenly appear to prevent you from making a mistake.
Quite often we can misinterpret these obstacles as negative things happening to us or it is just as “not getting what we want when we want it”. but there is a little more to it than that. The follow story is an example:
A couple were living in a house they bought in Brisbane when they first got married. At the time they brought it, they both worked full time, and whilst they made just enough to afford the mortgage, there was no extra money. After a couple of years they decided they wanted to have a baby, but realised that there was no way they could continue to pay for a huge mortgage if the wife quit working to stay home to take care of the baby (which is something they really wanted) nor could they afford a full time child care. So they decided the only logical solution was to sell their inner city house in Brisbane and move further out, and have a new house built about 40 minutes away, they settled on North Lakes. The houses there were must cheaper and they could afford to live there on one income. They were leaving friends and family behind, but they couldn’t see any other options.
This is where this couple made probably the worst choice of their life. Instead of taking the money from the sale of the home, and putting it into a bank account to be used for the down payment on a new home, they were having built, they gave the money directly to the builder. Unfortunately, this builder then proceeded to skip town with their money, leaving this couple homeless, and no money to buy another one and no way to find the guy who ripped them off. By the time this all occurred the wife was already six months pregnant. Now to say that this couple was despondent was putting it mildly! They had no choice but to get themselves a unit in Brisbane and hope and pray that some good news was coming their way, by this time the husband was the only person working in the household it would take years to save up enough money for another mortgage down payment. On top of all of this, the housing book hit which put a $200,000 home into the half million dollar category! Talk about watching your dreams get further and further away from them!
Now you see, I truly do believe that everything happens for a reason, but at the time for this poor couple I they really couldn’t figure out why it happened to them. They were both good and honest people; they had worked hard and had saved every spare dollar they cound and now it was all gone in one fell swoop. Even though they had already started learning about the law of attraction, this lesson was a really tough one for them to overcome. No matter how hard they tried they couldn’t seem to get past the resentment they felt toward the whole situation. Which of course kept them trapped in the situation even longer.
A little while later things got really interesting for this couple. During the time they were going through all the drama, the wife’s mother met a man and things were getting serious. He had his own house out in the country and sen eventually found herself spending more time there then she was in her own house in Brisbane. She didn’t want to sell her house because she still wanted a place to be able to stay when she visited the couple and her other children. The mother made a deal with the couple. If they would take over the the expenses of the house (the mortgage was paid off years ago, so it was just the council rates, insurance and other utilities), they could love there as long as they wanted. They only needed to leave the guest room open for her anytime she wanted to visit. Talk about a no-brainer! The wife as they were moving came across her law of attraction journals, she had written years before the following:
- I choose to love in a beautiful house I can easily afford
- I choose to be in a great neighbourhood
- I choose to be surrounded by good friends and neighbours
- I choose to be located in a great school catchment area
There was some other minor things, but that was the gist of it. What amazed her looking at it after so many years, she didn’t ask for things that she was holding resentment on for all these years, she didn’t ask to own her own house, or to have a perfect house built, or even that it was going to be a beautiful house in North Lakes; though she knew at the time she wrote the list that this was the direction she was already in the process. All she know is, how glad that the Universe took her at her word, and she was very happy that in this case she wasn’t more specific, because she couldn’t have foreseen how much better the situation would work out for them.
The whole point to this story is that quite often we don’t realise when we are right in the thick of what we perceive to be a negative situation, that there is something for our greater good beyond it. We get so focused on cursing the darkness in the tunnel that we forget to look for the light at the end of it. So here is the exercise for you. It comes in two parts with a bonus at the end if you really want to get into it.
Part One
Think back and write down all the time when what you thought was a negative situation turned into a positive one. For instance:
- When you had to cancel holiday plans due to work or lack of money and found out later they had a cyclone that week.
- When you missed a flight due to bad weather and then found out the plane you were suppose to be on got stuck on the tarmac for 7 hours and you were at least in a comfortable airport with a bar and toilets!
- When you didn’t get that job you thought you wanted and ended up being available for a better one.
- When the person you wanted to call you never did, and you ended up meeting the “one” because you were single.
- When you missed making the perfect investment, only to find out the company tanked and you would have lost your money.
You get the idea. These things happen all the time. Writing them down helps reaffirm to you that Universe (or your higher self, if you prefer) does in fact have your best interest at heart. If you have a hard time coming up with anything, think about every good thing in your life right now and backtrack. Believe me, you will start to see many ways these things couldn’t have come to you if you had indeed gotten what you originally asked for.
Part Two
Start looking for the light at the end of your tunnel by asking What If? What If The Reason I Haven’t Gotten What I Want Yet Is Because….? Start stretching your mind with ideas of what your higher self might have in store for you that you just haven’t realised yet. For example:
- What if (I didn’t get this position) because a better one is waiting for me.
- What if (the reason the deal on buying the house fell through) was because the roof is about to collapse this winter and it would have cost a fortune that I just didn’t have.
- What if (the reason he/she hasn’t called me for another date) was because they are total psychos and my higher self knows better than for me to get involved with them.
- What if (the reason the car broke down today, when i had somewhere really important to be) was because I would have been involved in a major accident if I had been on the freeway today.
- What if (the reason I can’t afford the ski trip right now) is because I would have broken my leg on the slopes.
- What if (the reason I am stuck on the absolutely slowest line in the store) is because if I left earlier I would run into someone I really don’t want to see right now.
Really stretch your imagination. The fun part of this exercise is that it can help soothe you through disappointment. But the most important part happens later when you prove yourself to be right and you indeed confirm that your higher self has your best interest at heart. That’s when you begin to trust that everything is happening in exactly the right order. Now for the Bonus Part if you really want to get into it.
Step Three
Try to find your true “hidden intention” as opposed to what you think that you want. For instance, going back to the couple’s story about their house. If they originally thought their intention was to have this beautifully built house in North Lakes. But in truth their “hidden intention” was to just live in a beautiful house they could afford. This was obvious by how the wife wrote her intentions on her list. After struggling financially in their first home, security was really all they were looking for and they just didn’t realise it. It wasn’t until after they received it that it was noticed it as a blessing that it really was.
Maybe in your case, your “hidden intention” was to find someone who really cared about you and was interested in the same things you are. You might have originally thought you were going to find that with a person of the opposite sex but instead you found it in the new best friend you made six months ago and you just haven’t realise it yet.
So start enjoying and appreciating the friends that the Universe sends you in answer to your request and watch how that higher vibration will automatically attract the opposite sex person you are also wanting. Heck! It might even be through that friend. We are happily such complicated creatures. So much lies below the surface we aren’t even aware of. But the daily discovery of these things is what makes life so fun and interesting. Just the fact that you are reading these type of articles means you are already on your way to discovery. So start looking for the positives that await you in your future. If something you are going through appears negative at the moment, it simply means you haven’t yet discovered the place your higher self is leading you to.
Don’t get discouraged, don’t give up and don’t curse the darkness. Start taking the first steps now to finding the light at the end of your tunnel.
Happy Creating!
PS. If you would like guidance why not give one of our psychic advisors a call, to help you unlock that “hidden secret” within you.