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2021 Creating an Effective Vision Board – Vision boards are an excellent tool to manifest what you want and don’t want in your life. A vision board can be made from any materials that you are drawn to. Here are my inspiring ideas to create a vision board for the 2021 year. As such I follow the basic methods to ensure the vision board works effectively for the year ahead.
Setting Intention
It is extremely important that we set clear intentions about what we want our vision board to manifest in the next 12 months. You should choose items, patterns that help you create the concept you want to actualise in your life. Before beginning take time and think about what you really want before trying to manifest it on your vision board.
What materials to use?
When making a vision board people generally think of cutting pictures out of magazines and pasting these to their boards. But for this year why don’t we all get a bit more creative and think about using more organic and environmentally friendly. Consider waiving each item over a candle to cleanse and raise the vibration before adding it to your vision board. This will supercharge your vision board.
Do a spiritual cleanse beforehand
Before putting your vision board together, do a cleansing, and align your chakras, you should also spend some time in nature to help ground yourself. It will assist having a clear mind and releasing of any negative energy.
Add affirmations
It is a great idea along with pictures to add affirmations to your vision board, you should think about creating affirmations specifically for the vision board. Figure out the best way to incorporate these into your vision for the next 12 months.
Use different modalities
Don’t be scared to think outside the square and use modalities like Numerology, Astrology, Crystals, etc. See what insight you can align yourself we using these types of modalities to ensure even more success for your vision board. Use crystals such as clear quartz to help increase the vibration of the vision board as you are creating it.
Add some magic with essential oils
Consider adding a drop or two of your most loved and inspired essential oil. You can add it to your glue mixture or sprinkle it around the vision board. Consider essential oils that have high manifestation rates. Some oils you may want to consider are:
- Ginger – The oil of empowerment! This beauty is about taking responsibility for your own life, and seeing yourself as the creator you are.
- Passion (Inspiring Blend) – A blend of Cardamom Seed, Cinnamon Bark, Ginger Rhizome, Clove Rhizome, Clove Bud, Sandalwood Wood, Jasmine Flower, Vanilla Bean, Damiana Leaf. Passion helps you to reignite your inner spark, face your fears and break free from limitations.
- Wild Orange – This is a uplifting oil, it’s also the oil of abundance. It’s a great one to diffuse when turning into your vision as it helps you to connect to the expansiveness of the universe and feel into potential.
- Citrus oils – Oils from citrus plants are incredible uplifting and motivating. Using Wild Orange, Lemongrass or Lime to create a high vibrational environment.
- Peppermint – Peppermint is another favourite because it is so invigorating to the mind, body and spirit. If you are feeling deflated, or in need of an energetic boost drop peppermint onto your vision board.
Use Tarot Cards
Selecting specific Tarot Cards for guidance or integrating aspects of their design into your vision board. Need help with doing this speak to one of our tarot card readers who can advise on how to use Tarot for your vision board.
Communicate with your higher self
In meditation speak with your higher self. Ask for guidance and see what symbols and imagery come into your focus, incorporate this into your vision board.
Ask Psychics
There are many professional psychics on our system who can assist you in creating your vision board. Look for a psychic that is free to help you that also specialises in coaching. They may even be able to give you insights and possible timelines to assist with your manifestation.
Find a place in your home or office that honours your intention
Use Feng Shui to find the best location for your vision board. Make sure it is in a place of honour with good lighting and where you can see it and interact with it on a daily basis. Vision boards are fluid and requires attention each and every day if you want to manifest what you desire.
View your board daily
Ensure you view your board on a daily basis, often when we create a vision board we don’t always understand why we are pasting something on it then one day when you view you notice some detail in what you are looking at that explains the path forward to manifestation.
Create a daily ritual
Come up with a daily ritual you will do to which is inspired by your vision board. It can be as simple as reading the affirmations out like that you included on your vision board, or doing a guided meditation that you have created just for the board. This ritual will help maintain the vibration and help to rise it.
Have nature near your vision board
Place pot plants near your vision board, these will assist with the nurturing and healing. Watch how your plant grows along with the actualisation of your manifestation. This nurturing motion will keep your ideas alive, and the momentum is flourishing.
Vision board needs flexibility
Use glue that allows you to move around items on your vision board. Consider using a corkboard so you can tack and untack elements as you see fit and as your manifest evolves. Being flexible with your vision will allow you to receive.
Keep a journal
Keep a journal nearby to collect your thoughts throughout the manifestation process. Use this as both an exercise to release any doubts or negativity and to see where things are arising and how you are feeling about the changes. Read psychic and spiritual development books to help you process what you are experiencing as you manifest.
Celebrate all of your victories
Ensure you take time to celebrate every little thing that helps you get closer to actualising your vision into reality. Every act of celebration sends good vibes out in the Universe as appreciation and joy. This act also reminds you of the progress you are making.
Ask, believe and receive every day
You need to make this part of your daily ritual, but those three reads repeated and focused on your vision board will help you manifest. In times of trouble, also repeat those words and ask for guidance from your Spirit, and Angel Guides for clarity and support.
Daily Goals
You should set more achievable and measurable daily goals for your vision board, this will help keep you on your path to abundance. Your goal could be one little thing you do every day that helps you manifest. Remember that manifesting isn’t just about asking. It’s about putting the work in as well.
Practice gratitude
Ensure daily you get yourself in tune with the vibration of gratitude and be grateful for all that you have in your life. A wave of gratitude will help you manifest your vision board. Make sure you are behaving in a way that exhibits feelings of sincerity and appreciation toward others as well as yourself.
Let go of expectations
What we may want may not be manifested in exactly the same way as we have on our vision board, by being flexible with your expectations will assist you in seeing your vision unfold and actualise. When we set expectations that are not flexible we may reject what is actually right for us. Be open. You may get more than what you expect if you are open-minded.
When all is said and done, it is extremely important that you use your intuition to select the best way to create your vision board. After all, it is your manifestation you are trying to actualise, and you will instinctively know what is best for you.