We all have heard people talking about a new ‘era’ or ‘age’, even sometimes being guilty of saying it ourselves.

A lot of this talk is often over-hyped nonsense.  However, astrologically we are indeed heading into a new era.  We have been receiving glimpses of this change since around 1980 when it started, but then abruptly ended temporarily in 2000.  Are you confused?  Just hang in there and let me explain.

Every 20 years or so, the planets Saturn and Jupiter appear close to each other in the sky.  This phenomena is called a ‘conjunction’ or ‘coming together’.  This signifies an ending of a 20 years cycle, as with all endings there is always a new beginning.  This has been recognised for centuries by Astrologers.  For instance, noted English Astrologer, William Lilly (1602 – 1681), he even wrote a book (called England’s Prophetical Merline Foretelling to All Nations of Europe Until 1663 the Influence of the Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter) about a conjunction in the 1640s.

Every 20 years this cycle repeats even though its interesting it’s not really a big deal, from an astrological viewpoint.

The most interesting aspect of this phenomenon is that for many years, conjunctions recur in signs of the same element (eg. Earth, Water, Air or Fire).  Astrologers find this very significant, as this repetition by element marked out the duration of an ‘era’ or ‘age.’  So when the conjunctions eventually switch to occur in a new element, it is called a ‘mutation,’ and marks the beginning of a new era or age.

We experienced a brief glimpse of this mutation in 1980, which marked the start of the new era, then in 2000 the conjunction occurred back in an Earth sign.  So until 2020, we’re still under the influence of Earth sign conjunctions.   However, that 2000 conjunction was the last Earth sign conjunction for a very long time.  From 2020, conjunctions will be in Air signs the first will occur on the 21st December 2020 in the Sign of Aquarius, this will last until 2159.

The following chart outlines conjunctions for the next 200 years:

21-DEC-2020 06:19 PM Aquarius Aquarius
31-OCT-2040 11:44 AM Libra Libra
07-ARP-2060 10:29 PM Gemini Gemini
15-MAR-2080 01:28 AM Aquarius Aquarius
18-SEP-2100 10:33 PM Libra Libra
15-JUL-2119 11:21 PM Gemini Gemini
14-JAN-2140 04:01 PM Aquarius Aquarius
21-DEC-2159 03:04 AM Scorpio Scorpio

Let’s now try and explain this in plain english, to make more sense of all this.  Since 1802, ALL the Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions until 1980 had occurred in Earth sings (either Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn).  But as mentioned above, in 1980 it shifted.  That year, the conjunction in an Air sign, Libra.  In 2000, we had the final ‘last-gasp’ conjunction in an Earth sign.

But what does this all mean to you, and what’s happening in the world today?

Well, for starters we are moving away form an era dominated by material ‘Earth’, thinks like oil, fossil fuels, heavy machinery, and more than likely capitalism, and big industry.  We got a taste of what’s ahead from the 1980-2000 period.  During that time, we saw the boom of the information revolutions: personal computers, the internet, Google.  And the collapse of the Berlin Wall.

The new era that is about to kick into high gear from this year, will see colossal growth in ideas and information (Air qualities) and less tangible, less ‘Earthy’ things.  We have seen the increase already in technology with Self-driving cars, solar and battery technologies, electric-power everything.  The old world steam, oil and cola have had their day for the next 200 years.

However, it will take time for governments around the world to fit into this new era, they will still consider existing technology as the most lucrative thing available, trying to desperately hang onto the old way of thinking.  Yet some countries have already taken the brave steps to move towards renewable energy sources look at Norway, Scotland, Germany etc, they are switching as fast as they can.

Governments of the world need to be worried because people will start using their intellect and talk against oppression and bad government decisions, people will more than likely vote people in not because of what party they affiliate themselves with but what the candidates core values are.

2020 and beyond will see the end of the ‘Fat Cats’, and big business screwing over the small people.  Revolution is at hand what an exciting time ahead for all to be had.  No longer are we to just accept things, we now have a voice let it be heard.

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Dealing with a narcissist in the Workplace – We are all familiar with narcissists.  If indeed of alte this has gotten much pay in the political arena, it is a phenomenon not unique to it.  Narcissism, at least in its most subtle form, can emerge among those who are so confident in their vision and capacity that celebration of self may replace or subvert their originally intended agenda.  At that point, they begin to view the world from their own unique perspective.  Everything is filtered through the lens of self-aggrandizement and their insecurity.

Those who work with and around the narcissist-those who believe in the underlying agenda but are wary of the self-focused intent of the leader-are challenged with dealing with the narcissist on a regular basis.  Specifically, surviving a narcissistic leader demands pragmatic political skills and continuous focus.  There are at least six things that you should keep in mind:

 1. Keep your eye on the agenda.  

Keep asking yourself what you’d like to accomplish.  What are the specific concerns that drive you?  What are the intention s you’re pursing? Don’t let the whims of the leader lead to you drop the ball.  If the collective has a goal that you continue to believe in, then it is easier not to be affected or taken off course by a needless side path.

2. Bide your time.

Don’t overreact and jump on every comment and every point.  Every action doesn’t deserve an equal counter-reaction.  Sometimes a reaction can be nothing.  There are some things you can let pass.  As your mother might have told you,. “Pick your battles.”  With a narcissist, everything isn’t a battle unless you make it one.

3. Be deliberate with feedback.

Don’t hesitate to give feedback when necessary, but make it specific and concrete.  You have to tow the line.  But, at the same time, you cannot engage in half-truths and petty obfuscations.  You aren’t doing yourself or the narcissist any favours if you sugarcoat the truth.

4. Have a red line.

Understand at which point the agenda is completely undermined to the point where you can no longer support it.  Even if you are so committed to the cause, something the narcissist says or does is too out-there, too outrageous that you cannot keep up the most tight-lipped support.  Know when it is time to cut bait, and do it swiftly when the time comes.

5. Be careful not to feed the flame.

Don’t over ingratiate yourself with the leader.  Some narcissists feed on the adulation and kowtowing of others.  If your narcissist is like this, pull back.  Don’t give him or her positive reinforcement for acting in a way that is frankly not acceptable.

6. Seek support from others.

Sometimes there is strength in numbers, but be careful who you confide in.  What you view as a getting something off your chest, others may view as ammunition that they will use to fire back in your direction.  So, seek support, but be aware that others may not share your motives and intentions.

In the final analysis, it may be the case that you cannot survive the narcissistic leader because you find that your core values are being violated.  At a certain point, the narcissist may so overwhelm you that you have no choice but to move on.

Posted in Narcissistic Abuse, Self Help
Keywords: narcissist, point, agenda, leader, support, others, yourself, every, cannot, dealing

2020 where is the world heading?  As we fast approach the middle of the year, 2020 has been one of those years that will go down in history as one of the most eventful years in this century.

It all started back in December 2019, when rumours started to come out of China that a new virus was coming, the Chinese government at the time tried to suppress information and even punished those who dared to release information about this new unknown virus. Soon enough the Chinese government had no choice but to advise the World Health Organisation, which they did on the 1st January 2020 China announced that they have a province in China that was being overcome with a new novel coronavirus.  The World Health Organisation called this virus COVID-19 which is what it is referred to by the world today.

No matter how many movies have been made about a pandemic wiping out the human race, no country was prepared for this disastrous pandemic that was just days or weeks away from their borders.  Each country managed their response differently.  Some countries did a great job of containing to get it under control, whilst sadly other countries have turned it into a political fight, causing mass devastation, and displacement of many people.  During this time we have added a whole new set of terms to our vocabulary, like Social Distancing, Lockdown, Stay in Place, Stay Home, Stay Safe, etc.

Our scientific experts are rushing to try and find some medication or vaccine to control this virus, and the conspiracy/denialism groups are rampant with their claims to discredit or minimise the deadly behaviour of this virus.  Some claiming that the virus is due to 5G, others saying it is a hoax to control the world population.  But the facts are we have millions of people infected with this virus, and hundreds of thousands deaths related to this virus.

As the world starts to get back to some type of normality, well the new normal for some time.  We now see another major civil rights movement taking place, the violence against race, even though this has been brought on by recent deaths of two black men in the united states racism on a whole is not coherent to the survival of the human race.  The Blacks Rights movement has gained so much support in the last couple weeks after the death of George Floyd who was killed by police offices in Minneapolis.

People are out in the streets, with this pandemic still in the community, however, this uprising about social justices seems to be just another trigger about how world governments treat minorities, or indigenous people in their respective countries.  Countries around the world are now protesting in equality of all races, it’s time for old world structures to be broken down, and a new world order be put in place.

Why is this all happening?

If we look at the Astrological impact of the events today, we will get a better understanding why the world seems to be in turmoil.  But thank the universe this is needed change, and will be swift.

Where should we begin to look at 2020?  The first 5 and a bit months have been dramatic.  Perhaps with Mercury retrogrades.  Many people dread this astrological even.  The truth is they are like roundabouts for all of us to redirect our life.  Each retrograde last about three week and occur once every four months.  The next Mercury retrograde is 9th June to 12th July, and then again 13th October to 3rd November.  Mark them in your calendar.

Mercury, also known as Hermes in ancient Greek, was described by Homer as the Master of Strategy.  In addition, he was known for his mischievous antics, which explains the unpredictable quality of events surrounding Mercury retrograde period.  These are times when we can correct errors and square circles.  Hermes waves his wand in ancient myths and leads us along the path to victory and success.

What is driving the world events?  A momentous conjunction in Capricorn took place between Saturn and Pluto on 12th January.  This event happens about once every 34 years.  This cycle corresponds with dramatic events in human history.  The effect has been building up in intensity over the past year.  January brings the crescendo that will lead us through 2020.

Help is on it’s way, with the good news that fast mover Jupiter, aka Zeus, will catch up to Saturn and Pluto.  Jupiter will cozy up to Pluto on 4th April, 30th June and the 12th November.  Jupiter brings wisdom, illumination and greater understanding.  Secrets will be revealed.  The Truth will prevail.

The biggest and grandest alignment comes on 21st December, when Jupiter joins Saturn in what’s referred to as the great conjunction.  It comes at the end of the year, but it will influence the whole year from start to finish.  That’s how powerful this alignment is.  These grand conjunctions comes every 20 years, but this meeting has extra gravitas.  It marks the end of a 200-year cycle of unions in earth sings that’s brought the age of materialism, banking, capitalism, and corporations.

December 2020 will kick off a new 200-year cycle of union in air signs.  What that will bring isn’t entirely clear yet, but early indications are that thought, philosophy and truth will prevail.  This is going to be a big shift.

There is a Latin quote: Astro inclinant, sed non obligate; “The stars incline us, they do not bind us”.  It’s another way of saying that it’s our choice how to react and create our future with our thoughts and predispositions.  It would be a mistake to think that astrology is fatalistic.  Our fate is not fixed.  It’s a moving target.

If you would like to learn what is along your path, why not give us a call today!  Our psychics can help you navigate through the choices you have ahead.

Posted in Awakening, COVID
Keywords: world, virus, years, countries, place, events, mercury, jupiter, december, china

Dreams Where The Phone Doesn’t Work? Have you ever had a dream where there was an emergency?  There were intruders in your home and you went to call emergency services number, but the phone wasn’t working?  You call about a medical emergency, you were hung up on or they simply didn’t answer?  These dreams are quite common.  Regardless of the terrifying things that are happening in your dreams, trying to call someone where a phone doesn’t work, or you are not answering a ringing phone.  So what could this mean when you have dreams like this?

CONTENT WARNING: This post may trigger negative feelings, or bring up past traumatic events.  If you are in crisis, please reach out to a trusted loved one, or call your local crisis number.

1. You have a crisis in your waking life, and feel no one is helping.

You feel like your life is spiraling out of control.  There is something on your mind and no one seems to be understanding you.  Maybe you feel as though you have no one to talk to, or if you do talk to someone, they’re simply not listening?  This dream signifies that your world is falling apart and you need someone to just listen, believe you and be there for you.

2. You’ve been in an ongoing argument that has not yet been resolved.

Are you and your partner fighting over finances?  All you do is fight but nothing ever gets resolved.  You feel as though you’re trying to do the right thing, but no one is helping you resolve the issue.  Some people complain about being in situations at work where one person wants to done things the harder way, while they have come up with a simple way that is still just as effective, but the other colleague or boss just won’t let up.  In a nutshell, you may be stuck in a never ending loop, and no one is helping.  This dream signifies that you need people to work as a team, and they’re not putting in their work.

3. Your family or friends circle is fighting.

You have a whole group of people you love and care about, and they’re just bringing each other down all around you!  You feel helpless.  You want to help them and no one is listening or you just can’t help what they’re fighting about.  You feel like your dynamic is falling apart right before your eyes and there isn’t anything you can do about it.  Anytime you call, they’re complaining about others that you love, and you just want it to stop, but no one can act rationally.  You feel useless in this situation and just wish you could scream “ENOUGH!” but things are not going as planned.  This dream signifies that your social life is crumbling beneath your feet and you want things to be back to the way they were.

4. Your plans are not working out the way you wished.

You wanted to bring the family on a family trip, you had months of planning both time wise and financially and everything seems to be going as planned.  But now your spouse has to work, the kids are sick, and your mum needs someone to help take care of her while your day is away on business.  This is irritating to everyone, especially when you put your heart, soul and spend sleepless hours planning just to make everyone else happy, and it all falls apart.  This dream signifies that you need help because you are just trying to make everyone happy, including yourself, and you’re feeling helpless.

5. A tragic event has happened to you in your past, and things still haven’t been resolved.

Perhaps a crime happened in your life a few years ago, and they still don’t know who is involved.  Another example being you had a horrible relationship, and you feel as though that ex significant lover got away pretty easily.  One more being you grew up in an abusive or unloving household, and you’re still mad at the people who were supposed to take care of you and love you.  You’re still not fully healed from this event, and your feel like things could have been different, or there could have been more consequences than what they got.  Picking up the phone in your dream and getting no feedback resembles the fact that these people who did harmful things to you or your loved ones have gotten away too easily, and this still pains you.

6. You suffer from anxiety/depression.

While this could fall under the line of number one on the list, sometimes people with anxiety and depression will manifest feelings uncontrollably, even when nothing appears to be going wrong.  When you are anxious, and/or depressed in your everyday life, you process a lot of information during the day, and replay it in your brain at night time.  You’re constantly worried, and this manifests bad dreams such as this to happen.  The phone line being dead represents that you’re feeling stuck.

If you have dreams that you would like interpretation from, why not give one of our expert Dream interpreter psychics a call today, they can assist you in understanding what the dream actually represents.