There are those moments when it feels as though everything is spiraling out of control, where even the smallest tasks seem to elude our grasp. These are the times when we might be tempted to believe in the specter of bad luck haunting us. Yet, take solace in the fact that every soul on this planet has faced such daunting days. And it’s crucial to remember that these moments are fleeting.

Surprisingly, one way to combat the negativity of an unlucky day is by embracing it. Instead of resisting the tide of misfortune, acknowledge the unsettling thoughts, sit with them briefly, and then release them. Whatever you do, resist the temptation to declare the entire day doomed, for that path leads to self-sabotage. Dismiss notions of the universe punishing you; confront these fears and firmly reject them.

Choose, with unwavering determination, that the remainder of your day will be better. You might be pleasantly surprised to witness your supposed unlucky day transform.

Accepting Closed Doors

Another means of extracting positivity from seemingly unlucky days or events is understanding that when one door closes, it’s often a safeguard provided by a higher power.

Think back to instances in your life when your fervent desires were unfulfilled in ways you initially deemed disappointing. How many times have these disappointments, which appeared to be crushing losses and cosmic betrayals, ultimately steered you toward a path filled with contentment and genuine joy?

Consider the person you once ardently wished to marry, only to discover their true, abusive nature later. Reflect on how, subsequently, you found a partner who showered your life with authentic love and happiness. Or ponder that job you believed your life depended on, which eluded you but led to an even more fulfilling opportunity.

In receiving what you initially sought, you might have missed out on what you truly needed.

Seeking the Silver Lining Ahead

You’ve likely heard the adages: “Always look for the silver lining” or “Behind the clouds, the sun is still shining.” These sayings hold true not just for the natural world but also for our lives.

Even amid the direst of circumstances, rest assured that there are celestial beings watching over you. When something or someone ceases to be a positive force in your life and turns toxic, divine forces often intervene to protect you. At times, you may not recognise this divine care immediately, but eventually, it will become clear.

Should you encounter adversity, try to reframe it within the larger context. Imagine this hypothetical scenario: your car breaking down on a crowded freeway during rush hour. However, no other vehicle collides with yours, and you emerge unharmed.

Though undoubtedly a frightening experience, resist dwelling on the negative aspects. Instead of viewing it as yet another stroke of bad luck, focus on how much worse the situation could have been. Always remember that it can get worse. Reflect on your good fortune that you escaped unscathed, and that no one else suffered harm. Even your car survived, awaiting eventual repair. Remind yourself that your guardian angels worked tirelessly to protect you.

Harness the Power of Change

While it may not be effortless to shake off the feeling of despair when everything appears to go awry, never resign yourself to the belief that you are simply an unlucky soul. Such a dismal self-fulfilling prophecy is best avoided. Keep in mind that you possess the ability to shift these gloomy emotions and the fears they conjure.

Depending on the depth of these fears and anxieties, it may require persistent effort and unwavering determination to retrain your mind to recognise the positives. Even if it seems as though your life is unraveling, firmly declare that you are a fortunate individual, regardless of circumstances. You will likely find that your life begins to knit together once more, often in ways more magnificent than you could have ever envisioned.

Posted in Positive Mindset, Self Help
Keywords: unlucky, though, times, might, fears, often, moments, everything, remember, instead

The concept of death and what lies beyond has been a source of fascination, fear, and wonder for humanity throughout history. Different cultures and belief systems have their own interpretations of the afterlife, but one thing is certain: death is an inevitable part of the human experience. Despite our varied beliefs, there’s a common thread that runs through many spiritual and philosophical traditions – the idea that we shouldn’t fear those who have crossed over to the other side. In this article, we’ll explore why we should embrace this perspective and how it can bring us comfort and peace.

A Natural Part of Life

First and foremost, it’s essential to understand that death is a natural part of the life cycle. Just as birth is a beginning, death is a transition. Everything that is born eventually comes to an end, and this is not something we can change or control. Instead of fearing death, we can choose to view it as a continuation of the journey rather than the end of it.

The Legacy Lives On

When someone we love passes away, it’s easy to focus on the sense of loss and emptiness they leave behind. However, it’s crucial to remember that the impact a person has on our lives doesn’t disappear with their physical presence. Memories, teachings, and the love shared continue to shape our lives and the lives of those around us. In this way, those who have crossed over leave behind a lasting legacy that can be celebrated and cherished.

A Source of Guidance

Many spiritual and cultural traditions believe that those who have passed away can still provide guidance and support to the living. Whether through dreams, signs, or intuitive feelings, some people report feeling a connection to their departed loved ones. This belief can offer comfort and reassurance, knowing that our loved ones are still with us in some way, watching over us and guiding us through life’s challenges.

A Release from Suffering

Death is often accompanied by physical or emotional suffering, especially when someone has been battling a terminal illness or enduring a prolonged period of pain. In these cases, death can be seen as a release from suffering and a chance for the individual to find peace and tranquility. Rather than fearing death, we can choose to view it as a merciful end to pain and suffering.

The Mystery of the Unknown

While the fear of the unknown can be paralysing, it can also be a source of wonder and curiosity. Just as we embrace the mysteries of the universe and the wonders of the natural world, we can also approach the afterlife with a sense of awe and reverence. Instead of fearing what we don’t understand, we can choose to explore our beliefs and seek answers that bring us comfort and solace.

Fearing those who have crossed over can be a natural response to the unknown. However, by shifting our perspective and embracing the idea that death is a natural part of life, we can find solace, comfort, and even inspiration. The legacies left by our loved ones, the potential for guidance from the other side, and the release from suffering all offer compelling reasons to let go of our fear and instead approach death with acceptance and open hearts. In doing so, we can honour the memories of those who have crossed over and find a deeper sense of peace in our own lives.

Grief is an intricate and deeply personal journey that accompanies the loss of a loved one, a job, a relationship, or even a significant life change. While everyone experiences grief differently, psychologists and experts have identified common patterns that can help individuals understand and navigate this complex emotional terrain.

I. The Five Stages of Grief:

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, a renowned psychiatrist, introduced the five stages of grief in her groundbreaking book “On Death and Dying.” These stages provide a framework to comprehend the emotional process individuals undergo when faced with loss:

  1. **Denial:**

– Initial shock and disbelief.

– A sense of unreality and an attempt to block out the pain.

  1. **Anger:**

– Feelings of frustration and resentment.

– Anger directed towards oneself, others, or even the situation.

  1. **Bargaining:**

– Attempts to negotiate or make deals to reverse or alleviate the loss.

– Searching for meaning and ways to regain control.

  1. **Depression:**

– Overwhelming sadness and a deep sense of hopelessness.

– Withdrawal from daily activities and a struggle to find joy.

  1. **Acceptance:**

– Coming to terms with the reality of the loss.

– Finding a way to move forward while honouring the memories.

It is important to note that these stages are not linear, and individuals may move back and forth between them in a non-linear fashion.

II. Levels of Grief:

Grief is a multi-dimensional experience that manifests at various levels, affecting individuals on emotional, physical, cognitive, behavioural, and spiritual planes:

  1. **Emotional Level:**

– Intense feelings of sadness, guilt, anger, or anxiety.

– Waves of grief that may be triggered by memories or reminders.

  1. **Physical Level:**

– Physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, changes in appetite, or sleep disturbances.

– The mind-body connection in grief is profound and can impact overall well-being.

  1. **Cognitive Level:**

– Difficulty concentrating and making decisions.

– Persistent thoughts about the loss and a re-evaluation of life’s meaning.

  1. **Behavioural Level:**

– Changes in social interactions, withdrawal from others, or seeking support.

– Coping mechanisms, both healthy and unhealthy, to deal with the pain.

  1. **Spiritual Level:**

– A quest for meaning and a reassessment of personal beliefs.

– The search for a sense of connection and purpose in the face of loss.

III. Types of Grief:

Beyond the general stages and levels, grief can take on different forms based on the nature of the loss:

  1. **Anticipatory Grief:**

– Grieving in advance when facing a foreseeable loss, such as a terminal illness diagnosis.

– Allows individuals to begin the emotional preparation for an impending loss.

  1. **Complicated Grief:**

– Prolonged and intense grief that hinders daily functioning.

– Difficulty accepting the reality of the loss, leading to persistent distress.

  1. **Disenfranchised Grief:**

– Grieving a loss that is not openly acknowledged or socially supported.

– Examples include the loss of a pet or the end of a non-traditional relationship.

  1. **Collective Grief:**

– Shared grief experienced by communities or societies in response to collective traumas or events.

– Examples include natural disasters, pandemics, or acts of terrorism.

Grief is a universal experience, yet its expression is profoundly individual. Understanding the stages, levels, and types of grief can provide a roadmap for those navigating the difficult journey of loss. It is crucial to recognize the uniqueness of each person’s grief and to offer support, empathy, and resources to help them heal in their own time and way. As we explore the intricate tapestry of grief, we can learn to approach the subject with compassion and a deeper understanding of the human experience.

Posted in Uncategorized
Keywords: grief, stages, individuals, emotional, level, levels, sense, anger, meaning, experience

Dealing with a narcissist can be a challenging and emotionally draining experience. Narcissists often exhibit a range of behaviors that can make it difficult to maintain healthy relationships with them. In this article, we will discuss five common signs that you may be dealing with a narcissist. Recognising these signs can help you navigate these interactions more effectively and protect your own well-being.

  1. Lack of Empathy: One of the hallmark signs of narcissism is a profound lack of empathy. Narcissists struggle to understand or care about the emotions and needs of others. They may appear indifferent to your feelings and dismissive of your concerns. If you find yourself repeatedly feeling unheard or invalidated in your interactions, it could be a sign that you are dealing with a narcissist.
  2. Grandiosity and Self-Importance: Narcissists often have an inflated sense of self-importance. They believe they are superior to others in various ways, such as intelligence, attractiveness, or success. They may constantly seek admiration and validation from those around them. If you notice someone frequently boasting about their achievements, expecting special treatment, or displaying a sense of entitlement, these could be signs of narcissistic traits.
  3. Manipulative Behaviour: Narcissists are skilled manipulators who use others to meet their own needs and desires. They may employ tactics such as gaslighting, guilt-tripping, or playing the victim to control and manipulate those around them. If you often feel like you are being manipulated or that your emotions are being exploited in a relationship, it’s important to be vigilant about the possibility of dealing with a narcissist.
  4. Lack of Accountability: Narcissists tend to avoid taking responsibility for their actions and mistakes. Instead, they may shift blame onto others, make excuses, or deny any wrongdoing. This refusal to acknowledge their faults can be frustrating and damaging in personal or professional relationships. If you find it difficult to have productive discussions or resolve conflicts because the other person consistently avoids responsibility, it could be a sign of narcissism.
  5. Intense Need for Control: Narcissists often have a strong desire for control in their relationships. They may try to micromanage every aspect of your life or manipulate situations to maintain their dominance. This need for control can lead to a sense of suffocation and a loss of personal autonomy. If you frequently feel like your choices and decisions are being dictated by someone else, it may be an indication of dealing with a narcissist.

Dealing with a narcissist can be challenging, but recognising the signs early on can help you protect yourself and establish healthier boundaries. It’s essential to remember that individuals with narcissistic traits often have deep-seated insecurities that drive their behaviour. While understanding their perspective can be valuable, it’s equally important to prioritise your own well-being and seek support if necessary. If you believe you are dealing with a narcissist, consider seeking guidance from a therapist or counsellor to help you navigate these complex relationships.

Posted in Self Help, Self Love
Keywords: dealing, narcissist, narcissists, often, signs, relationships, others, control, sense, being

A zodiac tarot reading combines both astrology and tarot, along with intuition and channeling, to offer a unique form of deep introspection and forecasting potential.

Similarities between the tarot and astrology become evident when looking at the meanings of the different tarot suits, and the four zodiacal elements of water, earth, air, and fire:

  1. Cups are associated with the Water element – emotions, feelings, love, psychic concerns, and with the signs of the zodiac – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
  2. Wands are associated with the Fire element – action, passion, inspiration, creativity, and the signs of the zodiac – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
  3. Swords are associated with the Air element – intellectual mental action, communication, and the signs of the zodiac – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
  4. Pentacles are associated with the Earth element – physicality, health, material world, and the signs of the zodiac – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Each of the twelve houses of the zodiac correlates to a specific zodiac sign and attributes:

  1. Aries – self-identity, self-image, personality, appearance, expression.
  2. Taurus – values, self-value, resources, possessions, wealth.
  3. Gemini – communication, thinking, speaking, writing, plans.
  4. Cancer – home, family, roots, inner-self, emotional security.
  5. Leo – creativity, children, inner-child, romance, pleasure.
  6. Virgo – physical health, daily routines, responsibilities, service, work.
  7. Libra – relationships, significant other, partnerships, agreements, contracts.
  8. Scorpio – intimacy, sexuality, life/death situations, spiritual lessons, transformation, inheritance.
  9. Sagittarius – philosophy, belief systems, understanding, exploration, travel.
  10. Capricorn – public life, social status, mission/career, reputation, future overview.
  11. Aquarius – friends, groups, communities, associates, long-term goals.
  12. Pisces – mental health, challenges, hidden self, secrets, spiritual experiences.

Twelve tarot cards are positioned in the shape of the zodiac wheel in alignment with its astrological house associations, and often a thirteenth card is placed in the middle for an overall theme.

Typically read either once per year or for a month ahead, a zodiac tarot reading is an opportunity to experience either an overview or a deep introspection of the potential available in all areas of life.

In the complex dance of human relationships, few interactions are as perplexing and potentially damaging as the interaction between narcissists and empaths. This article delves into this dynamic, aiming to shed light on why narcissists often target empaths and how such interactions can affect the latter, providing insights for recognition and self-protection.

At one end of the spectrum lies the narcissist, characterised by a grandiose sense of self-importance, a desperate need for excessive attention and admiration, and a notable lack of empathy. On the opposite end is the empath, inherently attuned to the emotions of others, compassionate, and often self-sacrificing. This fundamental difference in processing and responding to emotional stimuli sets the stage for a complex and often unhealthy dynamic.

Narcissists are drawn to empaths primarily because of their innate ability to provide the attention and validation they crave. Empaths, with their high level of sensitivity and tendency to put others’ needs before their own, often become easy targets for narcissists seeking someone to feed their ego and emotional needs.

In such relationships, empaths often find themselves overpowered by the narcissist’s demands, leading to emotional exhaustion and a loss of self. The empath’s compassionate nature can be exploited, leading to a cycle of manipulation and abuse, often leaving the empath feeling drained, undervalued, and misunderstood.

Empaths in a relationship with a narcissist may notice certain red flags, including feeling constantly belittled, an imbalance in emotional give-and-take, and feeling manipulated or controlled. Narcissists may use tactics like gaslighting, guilt-tripping, and emotional blackmail to maintain their grip on the empath.

For empaths, the key to dealing with narcissists lies in recognizing these patterns and learning to set boundaries. This may include:

  1. Learning to say no and standing firm in their decisions.
  2. Seeking support from friends, family, or mental health professionals.
  3. Practicing self-care to rebuild and maintain their emotional well-being.

The dance between narcissists and empaths is a challenging one, but with awareness and self-care, empaths can learn to navigate these turbulent waters. Recognising the signs of a toxic relationship and understanding the importance of boundaries are crucial steps in protecting oneself from the draining effects of a narcissistic relationship.

Empaths must remember that their compassion and empathy are strengths, not weaknesses, but these qualities need to be guarded with healthy boundaries to prevent exploitation.

Posted in Narcissistic Abuse, Self Help
Keywords: empaths, narcissists, often, emotional, empath, feeling, relationship, boundaries, complex, dance

During the Gemini full moon on the 27th November, 2023, significant discussions will emerge as the celestial bodies guide us towards contemplating the future and those who are part of it. Mercury’s influence, along with the Lunar Nodes of Destiny, will provide clear insights into your true desires, simplifying the process of expressing your aspirations, dreams, and the vital planning for the days ahead. This period may reveal new insights, aiding in the identification of the most suitable path ahead. Utilise this time to reassess your ambitions and relationships, and understand how they affect your mental well-being and decision-making capabilities.

Navigating this astrological environment necessitates mental engagement, particularly when your mind tends to wander. Focus on staying concentrated throughout your day, steering clear of distractions that could divert you from pondering significant thoughts and concepts. However, don’t forget to socialise, balancing work with catching up with friends and family. If a visit to the library for a new book has been pending, this is an opportune time to embark on new intellectual adventures. Keeping writing tools close by can also be beneficial for jotting down tasks and capturing sudden insights.

The full moon will bring enlightening conversations and epiphanies, but be aware of potential confusion due to a challenging aspect between Mercury and Neptune. Emotional dynamics will become prominent, making it tricky to distinguish your feelings from those of others. Encountering guilt in the face of others’ distress is possible, but discerning genuine emotions from dramatized expressions is crucial. Stay grounded and pragmatic, particularly when confronted with exaggerated emotional displays, and be cautious of manipulation. If you feel overwhelmed by emotionally charged situations, consider stepping back until the moon’s influence diminishes.

Mars also plays a part in this celestial event, prompting reflections on how past actions have influenced our thoughts and interactions. Hidden frustrations or disappointments may become apparent, emphasising the need to be aware of your emotional state and self-talk. If you’re prone to overreacting to letdowns, this is an opportune time to confront these tendencies. Impulsive actions will be under the spotlight, highlighting the need for foresight and well-considered risks. With the Sagittarius sun adding a touch of fortune and expansion, maintaining an optimistic yet realistic outlook is advisable.

Posted in Gemini, Moon, Zodiac Signs
Keywords: insights, emotional, significant, celestial, influence, clear, ahead, mental, particularly, thoughts

Chakra’s are focal points in the subtle body, used in a variety of ancient meditation practices, collectively known as Tantra, or the esoteric or inner traditions of Hinduism. The concept of chakra features in tantric and yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. According to these traditions, chakras are centers within our body’s physical and subtle anatomy, with each chakra corresponding to specific aspects of our life and internal states.

Understanding Chakras and Their Significance

There are seven main chakras, each located along the spine, starting from the base and moving up to the crown of the head. These chakras are:

  1. Root Chakra (Muladhara): Located at the base of the spine, it is associated with the color red and represents grounding and survival needs like shelter and security.
  2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana): Found below the navel, this orange chakra governs creativity, sexual energy, and the expression of emotions.
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Situated in the stomach area, the yellow chakra is the source of personal power, self-belief, and self-worth.
  4. Heart Chakra (Anahata): At the heart level, this green chakra stands for love, compassion, and acceptance.
  5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Blue in color, located at the throat, it embodies communication and expression.
  6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Indigo and positioned on the forehead between the eyes, it represents intuition and foresight.
  7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): The violet chakra at the top of the head, it is concerned with spiritual connection and transformation.

Keeping Chakra’s Clear and Balanced

Maintaining clear and balanced chakras is thought to contribute to an individual’s overall physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Listening to a chakra meditation video is indeed one of the methods that can help in maintaining clear and balanced chakras. Chakra meditation often involves guided instructions that lead you through a series of visualisations or mantras associated with each chakra.

The audio in these videos is typically composed of calming sounds and frequencies that are believed to resonate with and balance the chakras. By focusing on each chakra during the meditation and using the audio as a tool to enhance concentration and relaxation, individuals may find this practice supportive in aligning and clearing their chakras.

Please feel free to listen to and use our Chakra Meditation:

Posted in Chakra, Self Help, Uncategorized
Keywords: chakra, chakras, meditation, traditions, located, clear, balanced, subtle, hinduism, physical

In our fast-paced, materialistic world, we often find ourselves chasing after our wants—luxuries, desires, and external validations. However, there is a profound distinction between our spiritual needs and our materialistic wants. The universe, or spirit, has its own way of providing for us, and it often prioritises fulfilling our spiritual needs over our material wants. In this article, we’ll explore the difference between these two aspects of our lives and how understanding this distinction can lead to a more fulfilling and spiritually enriched existence.

Spiritual Needs: The Essence of Well-being

Spiritual needs are the core elements that nourish our soul, giving us a deep sense of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment. They are the aspects of life that go beyond the physical and material realm. Here are a few examples of common spiritual needs:

  1. Connection: Humans are inherently social beings, and we have a profound need for connection with others. Genuine relationships, love, and compassion satisfy this spiritual need.
  2. Purpose: We yearn for a sense of purpose that goes beyond the daily grind. Contributing to something greater than ourselves, whether through work, creativity, or service, fulfills this need.
  3. Inner Peace: Inner peace arises when we are in harmony with ourselves and our surroundings. Practices like mindfulness, meditation, and self-reflection help us achieve this state.
  4. Growth and Learning: The desire for personal growth and the acquisition of knowledge are fundamental to our spiritual well-being. Learning and self-improvement nourish our minds and souls.

Spiritual Wants: The Illusion of External Satisfaction

In contrast, spiritual wants often mirror our materialistic desires and cravings. They tend to focus on external validations, possessions, and status symbols. Here are a few examples of common spiritual wants:

  1. Material Wealth: Many people chase after material wealth, believing it will bring happiness and fulfillment. While financial security is essential, an obsession with wealth can often lead to spiritual emptiness.
  2. External Validation: Seeking approval and validation from others is a common spiritual want. Relying on external opinions for self-worth can leave us feeling unfulfilled.
  3. Fame and Recognition: The desire for fame, popularity, and recognition is another spiritual want that can lead to a shallow existence if not balanced with deeper spiritual needs.

The Wisdom of Spirit: Needs Over Wants

The universe, or spirit, has a way of prioritizing our spiritual needs over our wants. It does so to guide us towards a more meaningful and purposeful life. Here’s why this distinction is crucial:

  1. Alignment with Purpose: Fulfilling our spiritual needs brings us closer to our true purpose in life. When we are aligned with our purpose, we find greater satisfaction and fulfillment.
  2. Transcending Materialism: Prioritising spiritual needs helps us transcend the trap of materialism. We learn that true happiness comes from within rather than from external possessions or validations.
  3. Resilience and Inner Peace: Meeting our spiritual needs equips us with the resilience and inner peace needed to navigate life’s challenges with grace and strength.
  4. Authentic Connections: Building authentic relationships based on genuine connections, rather than external facades, leads to deeper and more meaningful interactions.

Understanding the distinction between our spiritual needs and wants is a powerful step towards living a more fulfilled and spiritually enriched life. While it’s natural to have desires and cravings, it’s essential to recognise that the universe often delivers what we truly need for our spiritual growth and well-being, even if it doesn’t align with our immediate wants. By focusing on nurturing our spiritual needs—connection, purpose, inner peace, and growth—we can find lasting happiness, contentment, and a deeper sense of fulfillment on our life’s journey. Embrace the wisdom of spirit, and you may discover that it always delivers what you need, precisely when you need it.

Posted in Self Help, Trusting Universe
Keywords: spiritual, needs, wants, external, purpose, often, inner, peace, distinction, spirit

In order to determine your life path number, you will need to add up your date of birth.

For example: Sarah’s date of birth is 14.11.1984 so we will add her birthday up as follows:
1+4+1+1+1+9+8+4 = 29
Continue adding the numbers until you arrive at a single digit.
29 = 2+9 = 11.
Sarah’s Life Path Number is 11. Typically a master number such as 11, 22, 33, 44, 55 would stay as master numbers, but for the purposes of these horoscopes we will reduce 11 to a single digit which is the number 2. Therefore Sarah would be a Life Path 2 and so read the Life Path 2 horoscope.

Life Path 1 for November 2023:

There will be a series of events that brings success and material accomplishment. Luck is certainly on your side. What you have been waiting for will now be yours. Your intuition is heightened now, so creative and divinely inspired ideas will come to surface. Any ideas you do have, are needing solid plans and structure, think of these as the building blocks for starting your own empire. You may have a tendency to over do it this month, so be mindful not to burn the candle at both ends – some breaks in between creative pursuits is advised.  You will be in hot demand, with many people wanting you or needing you throughout this month. There will be decisions that need making, which you will need to rely solely on your own instincts, and do what feels right for you. Listen to your own intuition, and trust that you will know what to do in any given situation. Finances will be on the increase. Opportunities will come a knocking. Now is the perfect time to start something new. The efforts you apply now will see you reaping the rewards. When it comes to matters of the heart, honesty with others and the self is key. You must apply effort where effort is needed in order to create change and a sense of stability.

Life Path 2 for November 2023:

Your mind is very active this month and so is your subconscious. You may have many profound psychic experiences such as heightened clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing), vivid dreams and even premonitions. You would do well to seek balance with your emotions this month, as you will find yourselves perhaps over-extending your time, energy and effort to those around you who may need your assistance. Communication is key in order to come to a place of resolution. You will find yourself divinely inspired by both your higher self and through your conversations had with others. You may have to ‘think quick and act quicker’ this month, but it is nothing you can not handle. Helping others is a natural instinct of yours, and this month you may find you are being shown love and appreciation as a thankyou for such efforts. Your talents and skills may be recognized and awarded, or a promising position may be offered to you. If you channel your energy into love, and doing things for the greater good of all, you will certainly accomplish more than you have in previous cycles.

Life Path 3 for November 2023:

This is a time where isolation serves you well. You may find yourself retreating and going within. You have a lot of ideas coming to the surface all of which you are trying to prioritise and organise in your own time and in your own way. Balance between the mind body and soul is your utmost priority this month particularly, so anything that demands too much of your time or deters you from your own goals, will see you politely saying no and prioritising your own wants and needs first. There will be harmony brought back into the family unit and family relationships. You may even find yourself feeling more supported by family during this time also. A perspective changes and an epiphany arises, which inspires you to get moving towards a new direction. Your choices will be thoroughly thought through before you take any action, allowing you to see something you may have over looked previously. Bright ideas come through in the most unexpected ways, all of which have the ability to ignite your motivation and passion for life once again. At times you may feel blocked from knowing all the answers, but trust that your higher self will always know what steps to take in any given situation.

Life Path 4 for November 2023:

This is a month of change, renewal and transformation. You will be drawn to visiting familiar places and seeing familiar faces. It is going to be a very productive month for you where people are ready to assist you in your endeavours as they genuinely want to see you succeed. Be mindful that whilst you are feeling playful and optimistic that orderly systems are still key for you in regards to reaching your own goals. You may have a tendency to over do it this month and live a little extravagant due to your heightened optimism and your adventurous can-do attitude. On one hand you’ll be playful, living in the moment, and on the other, you’ll be practical and wise with your choices. Repurposing is a significant theme for you this month where you will be revisiting an old idea or hobby, and find yourself inspired by it once again, but this time, with your change of perception you will now see the potential in what it could become. Trust that you will have the resources you need when you need them. At times, seeking solitude or even meditation will bring forth clarity and new inspiration. You may be drawn to decluttering your life and your belongings, which allows you to make room for fresh new ideas and new energy to come into play. If something isn’t working for you this month, the only choices you have will be to either release it, repurpose it or to rebuild it.

Life Path 5 for November 2023:

Who’s going where and who’s doing what this month? If you aren’t physically going places this month, then you most certainly will be reaching new heights emotionally. This is a time where you will find yourselves being more attentive to others and their needs. You’re just the person people are needing for guidance, love and support. People are going to be seeking you out for your upbeat charm, and you seem to have the answers or wisdom others are really needing to hear during this time. You may at times find yourself feeling a little lost or disconnected from your main goal or direction, however you’ll also be embracing this sense of freedom, even if it’s only temporary. There is a lesson you have been learning, and only you will know when that has been learnt. In order to find the clarity you are seeking, sometimes writing down a pros and cons list helps you come to a fair and reasonable decision. Your physical world may be pulling at you, yet your internal self will crave some down time, so try find some balance between your obligations this month. There is love and adventure indicated, just be mindful to keep it in moderation.

Life Path 6 for November 2023:

What a productive month it’s going to be for you! Your mind is going to be very active, and so too will be your intuition. There’s going to be many ideas that you will be working towards implementing. It is a month of taking action, going in a new direction, and making your presence known. Your energy is magnetic this month and so it will draw the right people, at the right time, towards you. This is your month when people are wanting to offer you their assistance, and show you their appreciation, and you would be wise to let them. Be mindful of any gossip, or people being deceitful, for you will really start to see people for who they are and how they are. Choices will need to be made and old beliefs systems are changing, setting you free. Others may try to burden you or limit you somehow someway, which you will have to decide whether they are worth the while or hassle to deal with in the first place. The ideas and visions you have are worth pursuing now for it takes you from one place of being to a whole other level of existing. Be mindful that rules are still worth following and implementing, and sometimes going about things in a orderly and structured way is the only way to avoid error.

Life Path 7 for November 2023:

Wow, life is going to be full of twists and turns for you this month! Be prepared for things to not go according to plan. Be prepared for the unexpected. Life is delivering you a tower moment, for some this will be good, for others it may be challenging. When life gives you lemons, as it will this month, what will you do with it? Will you be wise and use them to your own benefit, or will you be annoyed at the thought of it because it wasn’t what you wanted or asked for specifically? Everything comes down to your mindset and your perception. Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, either way you are right. Take some time to ponder on your most recent life events, have they been a challenge for you, or have they shown you some things you may have overlooked? Sometimes we get so consumed with our own thoughts that we fail to see our own errors or patterns that have put us in these situations in the first place. Your mind will be over active to the point of overthinking. Meditation, or trips to the ocean will serve you with the clarity you need. Sometimes it’s not about others, sometimes it’s all about you. If you listen and took on board your own advice that you so freely give to others, you will see the changes that need to be made.

Life Path 8 for November 2023:

What an amazing month ahead of you! The sun is shining and it’s on you once again. You’re going to be busy, and in hot demand. Your past efforts will be rewarded and promotions are likely during this time. Your physical health improves and you are feeling energized and motivated for life once again. This is a fortunate period where money is on the increase, and may come through in a variety of unexpected ways, or when you are least expecting it. You are being noticed at work for your efforts, and there may be people ready and willing to lend you their assistance. Travel is likely, or of topic. Even a small trip may be on the cards in the near future. Your relationships with others does require work, for you have the potential to make or break them during this time. It would be wise for you to take a step back, listen, and think, before speaking or proceeding. You will feel on top of the world this month but you must caution and keep your ego in check. You have the gift of the gab, but sometimes you must be mindful of what you say and how you say it, because others are easily influenced by you during this time.

Life Path 9 for November 2023:

Slow and steady wins the race! You would do well to slow down and allow things to go at it’s own natural pace, rather than trying to force it. Seeking clarity, or searching for answers will leave you in a state of confusion so try your best to not over think things to the point of you becoming inactive. Sometimes all you need to do is to come to a place of acceptance, and accept the reality of what is. You may at times be thrown a curve ball, which will send your mind into overdrive trying to make sense of it all. Trusting your instincts is a must for you this month. If something doesn’t feel right, trust it. If you feel called to take action towards something, trust it and do it. Healing is needed for you to see yourself clearly, for you may not see yourself the way others do. Sometimes we get so caught up in the idea of others, that we fail to see we have neglected ourselves in the process. Stop focusing on that which is outside of you, and bring the focus back to you and what’s going on inside of you, that’s where the real focus needs to be. That’s the only place where your true source of happiness can be found.

Posted in Horoscopes, Numerology
Keywords: month, others, going, november, where, sometimes, ideas, yourself, mindful, place