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Soul 2 Path
Things between yourself and your partner no longer feel the same anymore. Do you get a nagging, gut feeling, that something is not right within your relationship? You may even say to your best friend, “I think he/she is cheating, but I have no solid evidence.” Stop! Ask yourself, is your partner cheating on you? Let’s find out and look at the common red flags that may be in existence…
You really want to know the answer, you no doubt want to see if the relationship can be saved, but of all you need to know is your partner cheating on you!
You are probably in a real state of turmoil at this moment. You may even want to know, how to ask if they are cheating on you.
Many of us have all experienced a cheating partner, and often we will turn to our friends for advice, on how to tell if they are cheating sexually on you.
So, before you consider having a phone psychic reading, let’s look at, some of the signs that they are cheating.
Here are Six ways to find know
The first and most telling thing you will notice if your partner is cheating on you, is the sudden inevitable changes that will come, in their personality. They may not be showing the same focus that they once did on you; you will be able to tell.
Everything starts with attitude and behavior towards you, so that’s the first place you should start analyzing looking for the signs that they are cheating on you. Your partner if they are cheating will become less affectionate, towards you, seem more uninterested in you, and with this they will become more distant.
There will also be a significant drop in interest levels of intimacy, you may notice they touch you less, and even kiss you less.
That does not mean they will never want to be intimate, often they want their cake and eat it too.
A person who is lying to you can and will say absolutely anything, to try and convince you otherwise, but the key to all of this is the actual behavior changes, with the way that the person is honestly thinking.
It is therefore a given, that their actions will speak louder than words.
Their body language will change too, they will not be able to look you in the eye when they are lying about something. It is an accepted silent clue, of someone who is being dishonest, yet the most experienced serial cheater, could well look you, straight in the eye!
If they are making something up, watch for the eyes to travel to the top right when talking.
If they are thinking back to the past, watch for their eyes to go to their left when talking.

So, you have met a person, and you have even done the ultimate deed.
In fact, most people who are prone to cheating will be quite quick to want intimacy.
It is what they believe is required to get what they want. Often with more than one person.
You may have felt you met someone special, and if you met on a dating site you may even quickly log back in and close your account, but when you get there, you find they are still active on the site.
To your horror and surprise, they quickly make the declaration, that they are not looking for anything too heavy or serious, or that they really don’t want a relationship currently.
The other common statement often made by cheating partners, is that they don’t want to rush things.
We receive many phone psychic readings where the most coming thing is people feeling confused about if their partner is cheating, why is there such a lack of commitment, of becoming official and exclusive in a relationship.
This can be a genuine fear of commitment, but often it is not.

You call them, and they are unavailable. You leave a message. You call them again, and again.
There is no answer.
You don’t want to seem needy or desperate, so you send a text message.
There is no answer.
You find it strange, as when they are with you, they never leave their phone far away from their side, but then it clicks, that their phone bust always be switched off, or on silent, as it has never run around you either.
They constantly disappear without any trace, and you can never get hold of them, when you want to.
They are always unavailable.
Until it suits them of course.

If you have not been called a stalker, possessive, or even blocked by them yet, for asking some very sensible questions, it pays for you to keep an eye on their social media accounts.
Many times, the partner who is cheating will say, that they do not use this or that on the social media platform, only to find multiple accounts, filled with photos of them with random people.
Maybe, you are even one of the people, who has thoughts about adding their extra accounts to catch them out.

It is a well known fact taht we all behave and act differently when we are single, or feel like we wish to attract the attention of a new sexual or intimate partner.
They say when we are happy and content, some of us are more inclined to let go of ourselves a bit more, and not pay so much attention to our personal looks or appearance.
The primitive instincts of the mating game are very much evident however, in the partner who is cheating on you.
It may ne haircuts, shoes, dresses, perfume, aftershave…

The last thing that the cheating partner wants to do, is to be caught or exposed as a cheater.
If they are indeed a player they do not want you to stop them, from playing the game they love to play.
The common thing for them to do, if they sense that you are onto them, is turn the whole thing around on you.
They may become aggressive towards you psychologically, to cover their errors.
This is often done in form of telling you, that you do not trust them, or that you are paranoid for no reason at all.
They may even try to convince you, before you go to bed together, that this is all in your head.
But is it ………..