
Navigating the Depths of Grief: Understanding the Stages, Levels, and Types.

Navigating the Depths of Grief: Understanding the Stages, Levels, and Types.

Grief is an intricate and deeply personal journey that accompanies the loss of a loved one, a job, a relationship, or even a significant life change. While everyone experiences grief differently, psychologists and experts have identified common patterns that can help individuals understand and navigate this complex emotional terrain. I. The Five Stages of Grief: […]

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Keeping Chakra's Clear

Keeping Chakra’s Clear

Chakra’s are focal points in the subtle body, used in a variety of ancient meditation practices, collectively known as Tantra, or the esoteric or inner traditions of Hinduism. The concept of chakra features in tantric and yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. According to these traditions, chakras are centers within our body’s physical and subtle […]

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