There is a saying, ‘I don’t just believe Angels exist, I absolutely know they do.’ This could well be the statement of Tom T. Moore, author of The Gentle Way, The Gentle Way II, and The Gentle Way III. In his books, Tom shares this ancient knowledge of The Gentle Way, which he had been inspired to create in a past Atlantean life.

The Gentle Way is a self-help technique. The only requirement is a basic belief in Angels and a desire to create benevolent outcomes in all areas of life. Angels are always with us, desiring to assist in any way, but due to Free Will, they are unable to do so unless we request or ask.

The purpose of the simple yet profound technique of The Gentle Way includes:

• To reignite your connection with your Angels or strengthen and expand existing connections.
• To strengthen spiritual beliefs.
• To create more fun and less stress in life.
• To greatly lower the ‘fear factor’ in everyday life.
• To increase self-confidence in everyday life.
• To assist with achieving any goals you have set for yourself.
• To assist with finding the most advantageous work.
• To assist with finding that special person to share your life with.
• To assist with major life challenges.
• To inspire you to learn more about our world and universe.

I Request A Most Benevolent Outcome…

The Gentle Way technique is to simply seek the best possible outcome of a situation through angelic assistance by beginning with the words – ‘I request a most benevolent outcome…’ and adding whatever it is that you would like assistance with. This request is for anything, no matter how small or large, which is for yourself or includes yourself.

• I request a most benevolent outcome for my appointment today.
• I request a most benevolent outcome for my current relationship with…
• I request a most benevolent outcome for our journey to and from…

I Ask/Pray…

To ask in a prayerful way for assistance for someone else the technique is slightly different as we cannot interfere with the Free Will of another. It can however also include yourself. Begin with the words – ‘I ask/pray…’ and add whatever positive thing you would like for another, or which may include yourself.

• I ask/pray that my family and I remain completely safe as we travel to…
• I ask/pray for assistance for…with his/her problem.
• I ask/pray that all who need help receive all the assistance they need.

The Gentle Way technique also includes a powerful Self-Healing Prayer.

• I ask any Beings of Light to assist and comfort anyone that I have ever harmed either physically, mentally, morally, spiritually, or emotionally in any past, present, or future life. And I ask any Beings of Light to assist and comfort the families and friends of anyone I have ever harmed, in any way, in any past, present, or future life. Thank you.

Angels are always with us and eager to assist at any opportunity. All we need to do is Ask!


Posted in Angel Healing, Self Help
Keywords: gentle, assist, request, benevolent, outcome, angels, technique, yourself, assistance, askpray