We’ve all encountered negative energy at some stage. It can drag us down, making it crucial to surround ourselves with uplifting individuals.
But what if this isn’t always feasible? How do we shield ourselves? We offer some effective strategies to counteract this. For more insights, speak to one of our genuine psychics who can assist you with this.
Negative energy, while invisible, has noticeable effects. It’s akin to unseen electricity – we feel its presence. It might emanate from people, places, or even within us, clouding our perception with negativity. Identifying the source is key to addressing it.
Tackling Various Forms of Negative Energy
- Dealing with Negative People We recognise them – those who exude negativity. Where possible, avoid them; if not, learn to cope. Interaction with them often leaves us drained, so pay attention to your feelings. Counteract their influence by seeking out positive connections.
- Clearing Negative Energy at Home Your home should be a haven. To cleanse it, use salt in doorways, burn smudge sticks, and invite positive energy. Feng shui, crystals like black tourmaline, and herbs such as chamomile and sage are excellent for purifying spaces. Regular cleaning and decluttering also help in maintaining a positive atmosphere. If needed, consider professional cleansing.
Embracing Positive Energy
Boost your wellbeing by keeping your environment and thoughts positive. If negative thoughts arise, visualise washing them away or erasing them like words on a blackboard. Focus on positivity for a healthier, happier life.
Recognising Signs of Negative Energy
Negativity might manifest as undue criticism, anxiety, health issues, or sleep disturbances. It’s crucial to identify these signs and address them.
Healing from Negative Energy
Limit interactions with negative people. If avoidance isn’t possible, communicate your feelings to them. Surround yourself with positive influences, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and if you’re an empath, prioritise self-care.
For more on this topic, explore our articles on energy vampires and tips from our psychic mediums and clairvoyants.
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