Super Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse Astrologically we are building towards A Total Super Moon and Lunar Eclipse (that will be fully viewable from the East coast of Australia).  On the 26th May at 5°25′ Sagittarius, many will feel the intensity of this.  This is the closest Super Moon of the year and as it is also a Total Eclipse this makes it a very powerful astrological event.

This event will herald in a time of intensity that will continue for some months around issues to do with the law, natural law, the truth and disclosure.  Many truths will come to light at this time.  Just remember that 2021 is a year of disclosure.  This intensity will be most strongly over Australia, South-East Asia, Western US, and Western South America.

Before we get to the 26th May Saturn becomes stationary on the 23rd May at 13° Aquarius and remains retrograde until the 11th October.  When any planet becomes stationary to change direction it symbolism is magnified, so it is possible that the spectre of greater control, more laws, rules, regulations and controls could come in at that time in some areas.

People who’s moon is in Libra (Issues around fairness and justice) squaring Pluto that same day, will feel the intensity more than others.  We will need to be disciplined and have patience with this which some may not have, especially with the square from Uranus to Saturn.

We may be reviewing how control and rules have been used in society (Aquarius) and whether that is for our greater good.  You may find personally that the house where 13° Aquarius falls in your chart experiences some delay or obstacles.  Saturn retrograde motion is supposed to teach us patience but as it does not move direct again until 11th October, and the Uranus energy is so strong now, we may not tolerate any further restrictions.

Where does 5° Sagittarius fall for you in your chart?  This is likely to be the time of significant endings, people and circumstances moving out of your life, and permanent changes.  Although this may fee destabilising  at times, the universe often propels us forwards to new episodes at Eclipse times for our evolutionary growth.  Consider what you know deep down that you should release and surrender now.

Added to this we have Jupiter currently in Pisces, that will make many of set on a path of finding a more spiritual meaning to our lives.  Many communities will be formed from this. Jupiter in Pisces can also bring more attention to water issues (literal symbolism=expanded unlimited water), therefore the potential for flooding, and potential shortages/price increases in oil and fuel.

Six planets will be in Mutable signs at the Lunar Eclipse, detaching us from known anchors, but increasing our creativity to create a new paradigm for ourselves.  Our creative clay has become softer and more malleable as the old collapses the new is not yet fully birthed.

Think of yourselves increasingly as diamonds that are formed under pressure.  We are entering a more complex time when top down powers may appear to be stronger; for many this will only increase our resolve to build a better world.  We are the New Earth Builders, keep that as your future vision.

If you are struggling and would like some guidance through this time please consider having a reading with one of our professional psychic advisors click here.

To check what time the eclipse is in your location or if you can view it please click here.